Step Into Photoshop

What is it?
My 2-day bootcamp on Photoshop!

Why Photoshop?
From page layouts to 3D rendering, Photoshop is the Swiss Army knife of the creative world. There is almost nothing you can’t do with this amazing tool!

What will I learn?
By the end of the class, you’ll be comfortable with Layers, Text tools, Brushes, Actions… all the basics that you need to work in Photoshop. You’ll be able to design a clean, quality logo, and lay out business cards and other designed materials. You’ll experiment with templates and gain an understanding of color space and printing processes. Then we’ll delve into photo retouching and image manipulation.

On day two, my wife Anne will end the class with a couple hours of Lightroom training.

What do I need to participate?
You will need your own computer (either a laptop or desktop), along with Lightroom 3 and Photoshop CS5. You can download FREE 30-day trials of both. Click HERE for the Lightroom 3 trial, and HERE for the Photoshop CS5 trial.

What’s the schedule?
Friday, February 25 – 8pm: We’ll have a little mixer with all the class participants. What’s the point of a bunch of cool people coming together if we don’t hang out?
Saturday, February 26 – 10am: Up ‘n’ at ’em! We’ll get started after breakfast on Friday morning, break for a late lunch, then come back for a few more hours of computer time.
Sunday, February 27 – 10am: Much the same as Day 1, but with the added bonus of some Lightroom training after the lunch break.

What does it cost?
The class is $499 per person. If you register in November, it’s only $425!
Beverages and snacks will be provided throughout the day. (Lunch is on you, so feel free to brown-bag it, or we’ll find some sweet local spot to chow down at.)

Where is this awesomeness happening?
Right here in Atlanta, GA! Once we have a full class roster, we’ll finalize the exact location.

How do I register?
E-mail us at, and we’ll send you the registration link. We’re keeping the class size small, so register early!